Grading Scale/Criteria

Grades support the student’s learning experience by providing precise meaningful feedback that clearly informs the student of his/her academic progress. 

Grading consists of class participation, written and practical assignments, exams, hands-on techniques, homework, special projects, attendance in all classes, and timely completion of all assignments and clinic sessions. To graduate, a student must successfully complete all required courses. The Education Department maintains student grades. Students may review their grades by making an appointment with the Education Department.  

Letter grades are based on the following numerical grading system. Letter Numerical Grade Points


A 90 – 100 4.0
B 80 – 89 3.0
C 70 – 79 2.0
D 60 – 69 1.0
F 59 Or Less 0
I Incomplete 0

Myology, Neurology, Pathology, Anatomy & Physiology grades are determined based on quiz averages, midterm exam and final exam. A comprehensive written final exam is given in all major courses. Massage courses, including Clinic, will be graded based on the 100 point scale. Massage courses will have quiz grades, final exam grade and practical exam grades figured into the final course grade. Clinic will have grades for each appointment, reflective of the clinic objectives.

Incomplete grades – A student must complete all requirements by the beginning of the next term or the final grade will be an "F".

A missed quiz will result in a zero grade and cannot be made up. Midterm and final exams will be taken during class on the scheduled day of the exam. Missing a midterm or final exam will result in having to schedule a makeup exam for midterm and/or final exams. The student must give at least 4 weeks notice and is required to pay $50.00 fee for a different exam to be developed and monitored.

Courses with grades of pass/fail or fewer than 32 hours, as determined by the Education Department, are not used in the computation of the grade point average, but are used in the determination of graduation requirements and hours earned toward graduation.