Special Announcements:

Medical Massage

Sessions: Term D


In this course, the student learns to integrate the basic massage skills to effectively treat a variety of conditions through specific massage treatments. Focus is on massage routines for individuals with a referral for a specific medical and/or chiropractic diagnosis. The student will increase their awareness of pathologies that limit mobility and sensation, how the body is affected by these pathologic conditions and how massage can benefit persons with these specific disorders. The instructors demonstrate and teach the student how to utilize the plan of therapeutic massage routines taught in massage classes, how to modify these techniques to fit the needs of the client and how they are therapeutically suited to the client. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have the knowledge to converse with, receive and make referrals to other health professionals and the ability to integrate basic massage skills to effectively treat a variety of conditions (108 hours over 24 classes). *National CCRS recommendation – 4 semester hours (2 lecture, 2 Laboratory) in Massage Therapy.



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