Students are subject to dismissal under the following conditions:
Failure to maintain a passing grade in two or more courses of instruction, except Introduction to Massage and Anatomy and Physiology.
Attending class or NYIM sponsored events under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or illicit drugs.
Excessive absence or tardiness from class greater than 20% of a course’s required hours or more than 108 hours total absence in the program or more than 13.5 hours of outstanding absences.
Failure to comply with the NYIM dress code.
Failure to pay tuition on time.
Student may be dismissed or terminated for the following:
Behaving in a manner that may harm one’s self, or another, or the reputation of the school.
Rude or unprofessional behavior toward a fellow student, instructor, staff member or clinic customer.
Chronic abuse of the Policies and Procedures
Conditions for Termination:
Student may be terminated from the program due to cheating, plagiarism, theft, violence or attending school or NYIM sponsored event under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Student who are terminated from the program are not elegible to return.